Sunday, May 1, 2011

NMPS Norfolk

Today is May 1st, 2011.  About 6 weeks ago I was selected to do an IA deployment (Individual Augmentee) to a NATO base in southern Afghanistan.  In my preparation to deploy I found very little useful information about what to expect (ie. what to pack, leave behind, where do we sleep, what do we do).  I want this blog to be a little insight as to what medical professionals can expect when deploying.   I am hoping to post regularly along with some photos of the area of operations - with all due respect to both patient confidentiality and operational security.  I hope this can be used as a tool to help others prepare for their time away.
My first stop is NMPS Norfolk for five days of Navy processing, then on to Fort Jackson, South Carolina where I will be indoctrinated into the Army.

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