Monday, May 30, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot

Wow!  I don't think I've ever been this hot.  At 4 pm this afternoon it was 117 degrees with about 10% humidity - which means you don't sweat.  We try and not go outside too much during day light hours, which run from about 5 am to 7 pm.  What is even worse are the bathrooms - they are porta-johns and its like a sweat box, I would say it gets close to 140 in there - think going to the bathroom in a sauna.

Our uniforms here are the standard issue Navy Blue shorts and with Bright Yellow Navy shirt, along with our M9's and shoulder harness (notice the mandatory reflective belt - as if someone couldn't see us coming)  I'm fairly certain that this outfit does not strike fear into anyones heart, but see for yourself below.

Should be heading out of here in the next 48 hours, the sooner the better - forecast is for 122 tomorrow!


  1. WOW!! Very hot! I like the picture with Newt! That is pretty cool. I hope you have safe travels on to Bastion. Congrats on starting your official BOG time!! Only 2 more months and I can start counting down too!!!

  2. AWESOME. Did you think that by going all the way to Afghanistan, Korboi and I would not give you a hard time? Well, we might not have, until you sent me the link to this little gem! Can't wait to see what happens next... By the way, don't worry, I forwarded this to the entire department so we can all follow you!
