Sunday, May 8, 2011

First 24 Hours at Jackson

Well, the bus trip wasn't that bad - only 8 hours with a couple of stops (unions).  We had a short indoc lecture and then were able to check into our open bay barracks (up to 40 people, but we only have about 30).  After settling in, my new battle buddy (Anesthesiologist from Portsmouth) and I went to the bar on base as this is the last time we are allowed to drink alcohol for the entire deployment (this even counts when I'm on weekend liberty).  I over served myself a little and went back to a completely dark bunk and fumbled my way into bed.

After a nights sleep we had a couple more indoc lectures and tomorrow the real fun begins.  We will be going to the range most days to shoot and qualify on both the M4 rifle and the M9.  We also have land navigation, IED identification, convoy training and Army command structure training.  It should be fun and after the initial shock of living this close to thirty other men I think I'm looking forward to the whole ordeal.    I let you know after the first week.

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