Sunday, September 25, 2011

Care Packages

Remnants of the packages I've received.  (My roommate has gotten 93 care packages and I think all 93 boxes are still in the room)

I wanted to send out a thank you out to those have sent care packages.  Sometimes these simple things can make the time here more tolerable and take a bad day/week and make it better.  We do have a PX/NEX here on base - where you can buy bed sheets, towels, movies, 27 different varieties of Marine t-shirts, any variety of energy drink you want, protein and creatine powder and magazines.  However, the variety is small and they run out of things quite often.  Its nice to have some things from home to snack on as many times we don't make it the dining facility and my dinner becomes a clif bar, bag of beef jerky, crackers,  and mac and cheese.  I also have enough handy wipes to effectively clean the entire country of Afghanistan.

So far I have gotten 32 care packages from many different people.  I'm still working on eating most of the food and have had to ask everyone not to send any more as we are soon going to another location soon and it is likely that I would not get them.  

There was one group in particular that sent several great packages to me so I could distribute to the injured troops.  They are a group out of Philadelphia (Ocean City, NJ as well) that volunteer their time to fill packages to troops that would otherwise not get much.  I have been able to give out almost all the items and everyone has been very appreciative.  The group is Treats for Troops, I invite you to visit their website and/or donate if you have the time.  

All for now.

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