Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5,000 Hits, a German Shepherd and a 2nd grade class

I started this blog with the intent of just putting up a couple of posts to keep people back home informed of what was going on here.  I didn't really think I would continue it the whole duration, must less have 50+ posts, but there you have it.  Last week, I went over 5,000 hits, which isn't a huge number, but still significant.  Had I signed on to have paid advertisements I would have pocketed about 5 dollars over six months.  I could have gone to the myself.  The stats also say that I've had 12 different countries view the blog.  There are the obvious like the US, UK, Germany and Italy, but also Japan, the Philippines and Russia - who knew I would be such a draw for the Red Army.  

On another note...

I happened to be standing in front of the OR scheduling board a couple of weeks ago when I was approached by an Army Vet.  He asked if I was an Orthopaedic Surgeon and if I could help him with some equipment questions.  Turns out that a contract dog (German Shepherd) had dislocated his hindfoot and he needed to do a fusion.  I answered his questions and then promptly forgot about the exchange.  Yesterday I got a call from the OR and was asked if I could help out as an assistant in a case that was about to start.  I got changed and walked into OR 1 to find the dog asleep on the table.  It was an interesting case and I certainly was glad I was able to help out, but they still wouldn't tell me the safety word for the dog so I had to leave the room before she woke up and tried to bite my arm off.

And another thing...

I got a wonderful package from my brother and sister-in-law last week.  Besides the normal food items and magazines there were about 30 hand made letters from my nieces 2nd grade class.  Apparently they were given a picture of me in uniform, told I was a surgeon and had a new wife.  I read through all of them and hung them up in my room and in my office.  As I read through them I tried to put together what they envisioned I was doing over here and this is what I came up with....

    I am a block shaped man in a white uniform (shorts of course) with huge teeth and hands, but small fingers.  Apparently I have helocopters wizzing by my head at all times, and am even hanging by a rope from several of them.  Some of the helocopters even have hair on them - I've actually seen that here.  There are also cactuses and rainbows everywhere, either that or they are peyote plants and everyone is on acid - I can't tell.  I also apparently have 24 new nieces and nephews and Nancy has moved out and moved in with them.  Is there something someone isn't telling me?  I guess I'll find out in a few weeks. 

My nieces 2nd grade class's homemade cards - what a wonderful gift.

187 days BOG, 214 away from home.

All for now.

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