Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Doctor's Lounge

  Typically, Physicians lounges are a place to relax and unwind in between cases.  Usually there are things to snack on and drinks.  Most of the time you can find a colleague to discuss patients with or the latest research article.  These things don't hold for this lounge though.  It serves as an office, movie theatre, meeting room, rarely has snacks (other than half eaten bags of pork rinds and gummie worms) and the only drinks are instant coffee (tea) and near beer.  Rarely do we discuss patients or research we mainly gossip and make fun of each other.  There is a small sitting area outside - however no one goes out there because its way too hot (although we are looking forward to sitting outside between October 10 and 13 which coincides with the temperature being less than 95 and before the rainy season begins).  The room is about 15 feet by 20 feet, has one couch, one love seat, two swivel chairs, one row of theater seats and the gimp seat (which is actually a broken chair on top of a crate - which ironically is usually where I sit).  This amounts to about 12 places for people to sit - currently we have 27 doctors (7 anesthesia, 6 general surgeons, 4 ortho, 3 emergency medicine, 4 general medical officers, 2 internal medicine and the Director).  Can you say standing room only?

This is one of the General Surgeons - Tony.  He was famous for being able to sleep anywhere.

British Physicians taking in a game of Cricket which lasts 5 days.
Notice no US doctors!

One computer for all of us to share for internet and email.

It could be worse, at Walter Reed/Bethesda we don't even have a lounge.

All for now.

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