As far as I can surmise, there are only four reasons why someone would grow a mustache. 1) Halloween is right around the corner. 2) They desire to enter the adult film industry. 3) They are hiding a cold sore. And finally 4) Just to see if they can. I fall into category 4. I have endeavored before to wear a freshly trimmed mustache, but only after I have grown a full beard and then shaved it to within Navy standards. As a way of passing time I decided how long I could stand growing one here - I've started three times now and first time I only made it 3 days. The second 12 days and finally now - a whole 31 days. I've been challenged by others to attempt to grow 'handlebars', but needless to say only pirates are allowed to do that while serving in the Navy. The only good thing I discovered is that its still not gray, so I have that going for me.
31 Days with a stache - unfortunately at least 5 people said I looked 10 years younger after
I shaved it. Not sure that was a compliment.
In other developments...
- Reached 200 cases at Day 101. Slow down? Eerily quite, we are all on edge for the end of the Eid ul Fitr celebration at the end of Ramandan. Sept/Oct/Early Nov are usually the 'fighting season'
- One of my British friends (the kind of friend who could get things for you in prison), was able to get us a satellite hook-up for British cable. Good news is that I will be able to see two NFL games a week on Sky TV and possibly the World Series. Bad news - more Cricket.
- Got to see two good friends on their way home from deployment. George and Edton are on their way home with the Marines and were able to stop by for a game of poker and cigars. They spent almost 8 months away from home as well and are psyched to get back. They were at Forward Operating Bases as a forward surgical team - at one they did 80 cases in 6 months, the other one about 20. (We did not gamble for money - this is not allowed in the AOR).
Group from 2nd MLG on their way home and enjoying some
Poker and cigars from their hosts at Bastion. BTW - they obviously had time enough on their hands to become very good at poker. They took all our 'fake' money. (Mustache in full effect)
All for now. (Day 101 BOG, 128 Deployed)
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