Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ortho Crew

So here is a photograph of all the current Orthopaedic Surgeons stationed at Bastion.  From left to right are:  Me, Ed (US), Craig (British), Alo (Estonian), Kathryn (US), and Jon (British).  Ed trained at Balboa in San Diego and is currently stationed in Newport, RI.  Two days ago his wife had his third child - Brendan.  He is going to fellowship next year in Vail, CO.  Craig is originally from Glasgow - which means I can't understand a word he is saying.  He currently works for the NHS, specializes in joint replacement and lives in Peterbourough.  Alo is lives just outside Talinn and has three children.  Kathryn also trained at Balboa and is also stationed there.  She is married to a helicopter pilot in the Navy who is also on deployment - which means they only speak about once a month.  She is going to fellowship next year in Boston.  Jon also works for the NHS and specializes in Sports Medicine.  He works just outside London.  He is usually quite funny and charming, when he is not making fun of you.  Overall, its a great crew and we work well together.  Alo, Craig and Jon will all be leaving soon as the Estonians only stay for 3 months and the British for 10 weeks.  Wish we could say that.

They have a few different rules for the OR's at Bastion.  The most obvious one is that you can where whatever you want in the OR, thus my uniform.  They also don't make you where a mask.  One of the things that the anesthesiologists take advantage of is that they also let you eat and drink in the OR and sterility is somewhat of an afterthought.  There is nothing like walking up to an OR table with a cup of coffee in my hand, wearing my workout gear and staring at an open abdomen.  "I haven't seen a spleen like that since breakfast".   

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