Thursday, May 19, 2011

M4 Qual

This last couple days have been pretty intense - up at 4:30 every morning.  We have spent them at different ranges firing the M4/M9 and qualifying to carry them in country.  We started out firing in an electronic range - unfortunately this was a little simpler than the real thing and I got a little too much confidence (hit 36 out of 40).  Then we grouped and zeroed our rifles, basically making sure they are firing straight and hitting what we are pointing at.  The next day we shot another 160 rounds in full battle gear seeing where our shots were hitting and missing.  Finally today we attempted to qualify on a series of pop-up targets from 50 to 300 meters.  We had three different positions (prone-supported, prone-unsupported and kneeling).  We had to his 23 out of 40 to qualify and I did, but to tell the truth the women did a lot better than the men.  We also learned how to throw a grenade and got familiarized with the 240/249 and the 50 cal, all of which we are going to fire tomorrow along with a stress and flex fire with the M4 where we are doing close quarters combat.  Its all a blast except for cleaning the weapons which can take an hour or so a day.

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures! Definitely looking forward to that! I hope we have similar training!!
