Saturday, December 10, 2011

Last night in Bangkok

All packed up and ready to go - 3 days early.

Going from 100mph to zero in a couple of days is a difficult proposition, but that is exactly what we did.  We went from always anticipating a page, walking around with a baseline level of anxiety (rocket attacks playing a not insignificant part in this), and ready to 'run' to the trauma bay to having literally nothing to do.  I'm still halfway expecting to hear a pager go off at any time.  The last couple of days at Kandahar were good though.  Got to greet the new team, say some goodbyes and pack up.  I wasn't really excited though until we took off for Kuwait - to say it hasn't sunk in yet would be an understatement.

We all mustered at our barracks around 1400 on Monday to drag all of bags one final time.  All but 3 of our 4608 crew got on the first available flight out of country with an R and R flight - couldn't imagine having two weeks of vacation anywhere in the world you wanted for free, but always knowing you had to go back for 3-9 months.  No thanks.  The flight was cramped and cold, but nothing could dampen our spirits.  We landed around 2200, Kuwait time, and were promptly taken back into the Navy.  We were met by the crew here, grabbed some quick food, our bags and hopped on a bus for the 2 hour ride to the base we will spend our decompression time.  Finally got into the rack around 0300, but could only sleep for a couple of hours as my mind was racing.  Our only job here will be to turn in our equipment, come to terms with our experience (this might take years) and hop on a flight.  Mix that in with a little laundry, haircut and gym time and there you have it.  Due to operational security I can't give specific flight times (I'll have to do a coded email to Nancy to make sure she knows where I am), but, God willing, I should be back in the US by early next week.

It's only Kuwait, but being back with the Navy is good.

Gear turn in.  What a relief to get rid of all that crap.

Here's to a huge sigh of relief and God Speed to everyone still fighting the good fight!

197 days BOG, 224 away from home.
All for now.

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